Garfield Playfield

Garfield Playfield

Location: Central Seattle
Address: 23rd Ave. and E. Cherry
Acreage: 19.4

Football, soccer, baseball, softball, tennis. A kids play area. Indoor swimming pool. And a community center. Garfield Playfield is a huge park that sits next door to Garfield High School, creating a center of sports action in the Central District.

The park has been around since 1911 and was previously named the Walla Walla Playfield. The city changed its name after the school was built next door.

This park has been used for all kinds of play over the years, everything from wheel barrow races to the more modern disc golf. Today, many sports associations and leagues use this park for games. The Medgar Evers Pool has inexpensive programs for all ages.

It was the Olmsted brothers who suggested to the city of Seattle that large playfields should be built near schools. Good idea.

#165 (Visited 4/23/10)