Maple Wood Playfield

Maple Wood Playfield

Location: South Seattle/Beacon Hill
Address: 4801 Corson Ave. S.
Acreage: 15.5

It’s a crisp, clear Monday morning, and Maple Wood Playfield is filled with enthusiastic exercisers. About a dozen people are walking or jogging around the circumference of this park, which sits next to Maple Elementary School on Beacon Hill.

This park seems to be an unofficial walking track for the neighborhood. When I catch sight of the great view of the snow-dusted Olympics, I can see why. The accessible trails are also great for strollers and dog walking.

But, non-walkers can find things to do, too. There’s a small play area for kids, a half-basketball court and soccer/baseball/softball fields.

And with lots of open lawn, you can also enjoy those views on a picnic blanket without breaking a sweat.

#121 (Visited 2/22/10)