Pinehurst Pocket Park

Pinehurst Pocket Park

February 20, 2010

Location: North Seattle

Address: NE 119th St. and 19th Ave. NE
Acreage: 0.19

Pinehurst Pocket Park, near Northgate, was completed in 2007 with Pro Parks funding. Planners and neighbors figured out a way to pack a lot of cool things into this little park.

A small path circles the park, which sits on a corner lot on a quiet residential street. It is nicely planted with shrubs, a small section of grass and even some very tall trees that were preserved before the park was developed.

The Pinehurst Community Council’s brought in artist Sara Mall Johani to create several pieces for the park. My favorite is the patio that is designed to serve as flooring for children’s games, including four-square and a type of hopscotch.

Swales that run along the side of the park capture rainfall. The idea is that these ditches will take in the water and filter it before it runs off into nearby creeks, thereby cutting down on pollution reaching our waterways.

Pretty clever!
