Grayland Beach State Park

Grayland Beach State Park

Location: Pacific County/Southwest Washington
Address: 925 Cranberry Beach Rd., Grayland
Acreage: 412

A seemingly endless, nearly untouched beach stretches in both directions at Grayland Beach State Park on the Washington Coast. We stand at sunset without a single other person in sight along thousands of feet of oceanfront. Besides the waves, a few gulls and some gentle dunes, there is nothing here but flat sandy beach.

Ten hours later at sunrise this beach is suddenly hopping with activity as hundreds (maybe thousands?) of people are earnestly digging for razor clams. Children, parents and grandparents are all taking part in this spring tradition that only lasts a little over a week.

During the day the beach is still often quiet, but for the occasional kite flying in the sky or a jogger running by.

Hike over the dunes and the rest of Grayland Beach State Park appears—a yurt, RV and tent-campground with 112 sites. The sites are set in small loops creating a neighborly feel and providing a safe place for kids to ride bikes. The park has excellent facilities including restrooms with hot water and clean showers.

The park gets its name from explorer Captain Robert Gray who discovered the area in 1792.

While you’re in the area, this part of the coast has plenty of other interesting places to check out including Westport, Washaway Beach and many other state parks.


#437 (Visited 4/17/15)