Bitter Lake Playfield

Bitter Lake Playfield

Location: North Seattle
Address: 13035 Linden Ave. N
Acreage: 7.5

The Bitter Lake Playfield definitely feels a little worn… or well-loved if you’d rather put it that way. The playground has older equipment and the ballfield has seen many years of use.

But, the special thing about this park is the short walking trail and flat lawn that provide access right up to Bitter Lake. This would be a very pleasant spot for a picnic on a sunny day.

Unfortunately, I have to also add a note of caution that although you will see ducks happily paddling around in the lake, this is not a good spot to take a dip. Take a cue from the sign that reads, “Swimmers itch may occur.”

Instead, check out the activities at the Bitter Lake Community Center, which provides great free and cheap programs for all ages.

#258 (Visited 3/18/11)