Dr. Blanche Lavizzo Park

Dr. Blanche Lavizzo Park

Location: Central Seattle
Address: 2100 S. Jackson St.
Acreage: 2.0

Parks are critically important to the health of a community, especially kids’ well-being. So, it was heartening to see some great play spaces for kids in Seattle’s Central District today.

Take a stroller and check out this area’s great network of parks that connect through easy biking/walking/stroller paths. You can easily reach Dr. Blanche Lavizzo Park either from Jackson St. or from nearby Judkins Park to the south or Pratt Park to the north.

This park’s play area is designed with the littlest kids in mind, which was perfect for our visit today. Parents can relax a little, because the area is fenced with a gate that closes securely. Four of the five play structures are perfect for the three-and-under crowd. The space is just large enough for plenty of running around, but not too big that parents have to worry about kids getting out of sight.

When you leave the play area, head north on the little path and you’ll see the rest of this park, which includes a lawn and lots of picnic space with a covered area.

Lavizzo understood children’s health. She was the first African American pediatrician in the state. According to HistoryLink, Lavizzo was also a childhood friend of Martin Luther King Jr. She passed away in 1984, and the park was renamed in her honor in 1991.

#171 (Visited 5/11/10)