Montlake Playfield

Montlake Playfield

Location: Central Seattle/Montlake
Address: 1618 E. Calhoun St.
Acreage: 27

Located on the south side of the 520 Bridge, this 27-acre playfield has practically every amenity a park can have. It even has a football field complete with running track, which is fairly rare in Seattle. You’ll also find tennis courts, huge grass fields and the Montlake Community Center.

But for those of you with kids in your carpool, this is a must-do park. The playground features two enormous climbing contraptions that are both unique in Seattle. One is an obstacle course with ropes and ladders that you cross and climb to a peak and then take an exit ride down the long slide. The other structure resembles a space ship and provides a good view for adults who like to climb along. The younger kids in the group have a smaller climber and a playhouse to keep them busy.

There’s also adult exercise equipment and benches nearby to rest on after.

Another cool aspect of the Montlake Playfield is the trail at the east end of the park. Follow the path as it takes you along the waterfront to explore nooks and crannies of this former peat bog. Look for beavers that sometimes make their home here.

At the northeast end of the park you can connect to a paved path that goes under 520 to the tiny little neighborhood that hugs both sides of Montlake Boulevard before the Montlake Bridge. I thought I was the only one who knew about this secret path. Then, I saw one jogger after another emerge from the other side. Oh well, it’s still a more interesting way to cross from one side of this busy freeway to the other.

#64 (Visited 12/1/09; updated 7/6/18)