Seacrest Park

Seacrest Park

September 8, 2009

Location: West Seattle
Address: 1660 Harbor Ave. S.W.
Acreage: 6.4

Hang out around West Seattle’s Seacrest Park and you’ll see people buzzing with activity.

Divers pulling on wetsuits, preparing for the cold Puget Sound water. First-time kayakers getting a quick lesson in paddling–and how to stay dry–before launching their boats. Fishermen casting lines from the Seacrest Pier. Tourists pouring out of the Water Taxi onto the pier carrying cameras, maps and shopping bags and wearing impractical shoes.

Continue your people-watching with a walk along the waterfront path leading toward Alki Beach Park. Or, stop to rest and take in the action on one of the park’s benches. You can even pick up takeout at the little restaurant that’s located inside the park next to the pier and have a picnic dinner.

I like watching the people of all ages and types enjoying this park. But, today I catch sight of something even better: a seal bobbing up and down in the water looking for his lunch.

I look around to see if other visitors have noticed him.

Nope, they’re busy preparing for their next activity.

#22 (Visited 9/8/09)